The human race is evolving toward an enlightened
social system based on absolute individual liberty and voluntary
mutual aid (i.e. the advent of true civilization).
The nature of evolution, organic and social,
involves alternating periods of rapid advance (revolution) and quiescence or
retreat (reaction), as the force for change builds up enough to break its bonds,
then surges back to build the next wave. As evolutionary advancement increases,
its momentum increases as well, like a snowball rolling down a mountain slope.
Eventually its inertia becomes irresistible, a breakthrough is attained, and a
major evolutionary milestone is passed.
We are approaching that point today.

In the post-revolutionary worldwide social system,
every human individual will be free from coercion, so long as the equal freedom
of others is respected...
...and everyone on Earth will have full access to
all the resources that Nature and Technology can make available.

The false claim that this Utopia is impossible is
passed on as a part of the social conditioning the entrenched power structure
uses to keep us enslaved. The globe-spanning State, Church, and Corporate
network (“new world order”) maintains its vampiric hold on the people through
brainwashing in the media and the state-controlled educational systems, through
coercive military/police force, and through monopolization of the necessities of
It is the futile attempt of an outmoded
evolutionary epoch to stop the clock or roll it back to a more primitive social
This is not to be; we can no more hold back the
tide of evolution than a child could restrain the onset of puberty.
The few who have indulged themselves in excessive
wealth and power at the expense of the many must yield up the reins of the
world: their free ride is over.
If it were managed cooperatively, making
imaginative use of existing technologies, the world economy could easily provide
practically unlimited abundance for all Earth citizens.
In the future, the institutions we know as
“government” and “money” — the institutions of repression and exploitation —
will no longer exist.
Production will be for use, not for profit.
All goods and services will be offered as free
gifts to whoever needs or desires them; without the artificially maintained
scarcity of the “market,” there will be ample supply of all things.
All work will be voluntary; the motivation to
contribute to the common effort will be the natural human desire to devise,
share, and enjoy a better life.
Post-revolutionary society will be modeled on the
biological processes of living organisms.
Each individual will be supplied with all that
s/he needs, just as the cells of the body are nourished by the circulatory
An electronic information and communication system
— of which today’s internet is a preliminary precursor — will utilize computers,
satellites, and technologies not yet imagined to connect all Earth citizens with
each other and with world society as a whole — as the nervous system connects
the brain with all the cells of the body. Every person on Earth will eventually
have full access to all of the planet’s libraries and museums, universities and
research centers — to the accumulated knowledge of the human race.
Absolute individual liberty and autonomy
(sovereignty) will reflect the fact that, in a healthy organism, every discrete
unit is automatically self-regulating.
The egoistic “profit motive” (personal advantage
at the expense of others) will be replaced by mutual aid (personal
advantage that includes the advantage of others) as the primary motivating and
organizing factor of society.
This reflects the way the units that make up
organic systems work together to maintain the health and integrity of the whole:
a cell or organ that disrespects the harmony of the body is diseased.
(As it is written, “Cancer is cellular ego.”)
Collective decisions in post-revolutionary society
will be made by mutual agreement between individuals, communities, regions,
trade associations, and affinity groups, which will evolve and
dissolve and re-emerge as need and preference dictate.
Agreements will be arrived at by a consensus
process, in which every person affected by a decision will have a voice in it,
and no arrangement will be binding on anyone who has not voluntarily agreed to
The “authority” upon which collective decisions
are entered into and enforced will be considered legitimate only if they have
the full agreement and consent of every person affected.

“Authority” imposed without consent is tyranny.
The tyranny of illegitimate authority may justly be resisted by any means

Every individual on Earth will be recognized as a
Citizen of the Universe, a jurisdiction which supersedes all lesser
constituencies such as nation, race, class, or gender.
As an attribute of this citizenship, every
Earth-dweller will have equal rights of inheritance to the world of her/his
This implies an absolute right to a fair and equal
share of the benefits and resources wrought from Nature by the collective
efforts of humankind.
Under true civilization, the social and economic
structures of Earth will be considered a joint enterprise — a “corporation” of
which every Earth citizen is an equal “shareholder” by right of birth (but
without a “corporate hierarchy” — self-regulating at every level).
Instead of collecting taxes, society will
distribute “dividends,” shares of the accumulating “profit” or mutual benefit.

No person may be legitimately denied access to the
necessities of life, including food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and
education. Any social institution (“public” or “private”) that denies any person
access to the necessities of life is committing a criminal act, and it is the
right and responsibility of all Earth Citizens to “alter or abolish” such
criminal social institutions.

The Church of Gnostic Luminism will recognize and
affirm that it has a Divine Mandate to aid, encourage, and support, in every
possible way, the quickening of social evolution (i.e. the social revolution)
that will enable us to implement the Organic Social System, as outlined above,
on Earth, at every level of society. Each individual within the Church of
Gnostic Luminism will have the responsibility of honoring this Mandate according
to the promptings of each one’s own Gnostic Illumination.
No action, word, or thought, however slight, is
wasted; in every case it either aids or impedes the work of spiritual and social
evolution (revelation and revolution). As it is said: You are
either a part of the solution, or a part of the problem. It will be our
challenge, and our delight, to ensure that our every moment of consciousness is
consecrated to the Great Work to which we are committed.
The Gnostic-Luminist Strategy
The Work of personal and social (R)EVOLUTION will
be accomplished by facilitating in every possible way the voluntary
self-illumination of increasing numbers of human beings, so that the holographic
vision of Universal Consciousness and recognition of the common identity of all
life will be effected in more and more members of the human family.
When a requisite percentage of the human population of Earth (a
critical mass
of humanity) attains Illumination, a quantum leap of evolution will be
The Planetary Mind
A massive evolutionary acceleration will begin as
Illumination spreads like wildfire around the globe, linking minds into the
telepathic network of the planetary neuropsychic grid.
A shock will run through the neuroplasm of all
sentient beings as the simultaneous vision strikes everywhere at once.
The “group mind” of all Earth-life will blink
awake for the first time.
At that point, the human race will undergo an
Initiation or coming-of-age ceremony.
Our long racial childhood will have ended.
Beyond the curve of infinity...
Global telepathic communion and simultaneous
worldwide Illumination will trigger a chain reaction of increasingly rapid
innovation, leading inevitably to a cataclysmic and orgasmic event of a nature
that we cannot yet imagine.
We refer to this coming Event as “the Singularity”
— a term borrowed from interstellar physics, which there refers to the space and
time warping gravitational effects of a Black Hole.
The most we can say about this event is that it
will probably involve a transformation of spaciotemporal reality into something
new and strange... a new order of being that transcends our present capacity for
rational understanding (although visionary glimpses of it have been attained by
millions of mystics, Luminists, and psychedelic pioneers).
Likely many who are not prepared will not survive
the shock of transition.
The enigmatic apocalyptic prophecies of the many
religious traditions are foreshadowings or retro-temporal (tachyonic)
reflections of this Event that looms ahead of us.
It is as inevitable as the caterpillar’s
metamorphosis into the butterfly.