Church of Gnostic Luminism


X. Theology and Ritual

Luminist Manifesto: Theology and Ritual of the Church of Gnostic Luminism

Diverse Valid Perspectives

The theological teachings of the Church of Gnostic Luminism will harmonize and include many of the disparate perspectives of Earths religious traditions; among them the following:

Animism, the idea that all of Nature is alive and sentient;

Pantheism, the realization that the Creator and the Creation are one;

Polytheism, the view that the Creator manifests Itself to us as many distinct Gods and Goddesses;

Monotheism, the realization that all of these Divine Manifestations are veils or partial personalities of the One;

Monism, the further realization that the One includes all that is, was, or can be; and

Atheism, the realization that the One is really None (or Void), since the universe is composed of pairs of contrary opposites which mutually annihilate in combination [ (+) + (–) = 0 ] ...and the realization that anthropomorphic conceptions of God are false, illusory constructs (“idols”) based on superstition.

The holistic synthesis of these theological perspectives into a harmonious unity, a seamless garment of Initiation, will comprise one of the major gifts that the Church of Gnostic Luminism will offer to humanity.


Ecclesiastical Presentations

The Church of Gnostic Luminism will promote and sponsor certain ceremonial observances. Among them will be the following:

Seasonal observances. As a means of attuning the individual’s life with the ecosphere that we are each a part of, the ancient pagan ceremonial observances of the turning  points and mid-points of the seasons will be adopted as official Church rituals. Presentations may incorporate traditional and contemporary elements, and may make use of the creative arts, music, dance, drama, poetry, incense, and whatever else is deemed appropriate. The primary recognized seasonal observances will include these:

The Vernal Equinox, Ostara (Easter), the beginning of Spring, March 21;

Beltane, Mayday, the advent of Summer, May 1;

The Summer Solstice, Mid-Summer, June 21;

Lammas or Lugnasadh, the end of Summer, August 1;

The Autumnal Equinox, the Harvest Festival, September 23;

Samhain or Halloween, the night of the Thinning of the Veils between the Worlds, October 31;

Yule, the Winter Solstice (the real Christmas), December 21;

Oimelc or Candlemass, the Day of Purification, February 1.

Lunar observance: four times in each 28-day Lunar month, commemorating the four primary moon phases (new, first quarter, full, and last quarter).

Solar observance: four times each day, commemorating the four stations of the Sun (sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight).

Life Passage Ceremonies

These rituals will commemorate important turning points in the lives of Church members. Among them will be:

Birth: a ceremonial welcome of newly incarnating souls into the Church community;

Puberty: a ceremonial recognition of the beginning of sexual maturation and initiation into adulthood, marked in women by the first menstruation, and in men by the first ejaculation;

Marriage: a ceremonial recognition of the intent of members of the Church community to unite in Holy Matrimony;

Menopause: a ceremonial recognition of the “change of life” and the end of the childbearing years, in which members are recognized as Elders of the Church; and

Death: a ceremonial recognition of passage from Earth incarnation.


Newly recognized members of the Church will be publicly welcomed into the community with feasting and celebration.

The Invocation

The object of Gnostic Luminism for the individual is the absolute identification of the human personality with the infinite/eternal gestalt consciousness of All That Is i.e. the total surrender of the Ego to the Universal Self (or "God" if one prefers that term).

But this surrender involves no loss to the individual; for, in reality, all aspects of oneself that are not already one with the Universal Self are false constructs made of illusion and dream.

From this dream we now choose to wake.

We bear no ill will or disdain toward the dream dimensions. We have languished at our leisure in their fragrant fields, and our woes therein were but spice to our passionate play. But the time has come to stir and rise into the light.

The aspiration of the individual to this Awakening is formalized and declared to the Universe by the Art of Invocation. When successful, the execution of this Art is answered by a very real Response from the One invoked. Each aspirant must study, practice, and become proficient in this Art. Each one must create a pure expression of her/his intention to persevere in the Great Work to its ultimate end. The tools of music, the visual arts, poetry, yoga, alchemy, Qabalah, meditation, and the rest, are to be combined in this Creation, as directed by each ones own experience of Gnostic Illumination.

This Work often takes many lifetimes; but by taking advantage of the technologies gathered and taught by the Church of Gnostic Luminism, its attainment may be gained as rapidly as ones aspiration and volition will allow.

The object of invocation, the One that the Invocation is addressed to (the infinite-eternal Self of All Life) may be visualized and addressed in the guise of any of the Gods and Goddesses of Earths many religious traditions, according to individual inspiration and inclination.

In the Canon of the Church of Gnostic Luminism, the primary archetype referred to will be the Goddess of Infinite Space, the Great Mother (L. mater, mother, the matter of which all Being is composed); as it is written in the Book of the Law:

Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you! I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.

Classical versions of the Invocation include Crowleys Liber Samekh and the invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel in The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

The text below provides an example of one way the Invocation might be approached:


Let there be incense,
and the music of flutes,
and the sound of drums.
* * *
O holy One, from which there is no other!
I stand now at the threshold of Thy temple.
No more do I run from Thee.
I have come
To offer myself at Thy altar.
I recognize the totality of Thy Spirit
As it permeates every particle of Matter
Of all that is, was, is to come, or might have been.
I know I am naught but Thee!
Therefore, if it be Thy will,
Take this vehicle which I am,
And let its every fiber
Reflect and manifest Thy light.
Let there be naught of Me
That is not Thee:
And forevermore.
* * *
There is no part of me that is not of the Gods.




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