Dale Robert Gowin was born in 1950 in
Palmer, Alaska. His parents were latter-day homesteaders who staked out a claim in the
1940s under Alaska’s Homestead Act and settled on a tract of wilderness
land in the virgin forest of the Alaskan
River Valley. For the first five years of
this incarnation, he lived in a hand-made single-room log cabin beside a glacier-fed
river, with his father, Richard D.
Gowin; his mother, Dorothy Rands Gowin
(Sims); an
older brother, Forest, who died of mysterious natural causes in 1966; and a younger
brother, Alan. In 1955 a sister, Anola, joined the tribe. Dale was weaned on the flesh
of moose, bear, caribou, and salmon. Later, at the age of 15, he became a vegetarian.
Dale has been a lifelong student of
esoteric philosophy; a bibliophile with a strong interest in the more obscure byways of
literature and the arts; a writer and self-publisher; an amateur folk musician and song
writer; and an activist in the cause of human liberation and the global social
revolution. During the psychedelic
revolution of the 1960s he experimented with entheogenic herbs and chemicals in
combination with a disciplined pursuit of spiritual goals. This experimentation led to
major discoveries in ontological and epistemological realms which formed the basis of his
evolving worldview, a central element of which is the integral linking of spiritual and
political concerns. During the 1980s he was initiated
through the IVº of Ordo Templi Orientis
under the hand
and seal of Caliph
Hymenaeus Alpha. In the 1990s he was arrested in a
police sting operation involving the sale of LSD to an undercover agent, and he served six
years of a twelve-year prison sentence in the penitentiaries of New York State. He has had six years of formal
college education, but was awarded no degrees due to his non-standard selection of course